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Grants & Service Activities

[2a] Funded: 

June, 1993 - June 1995: $245,000 award. Principal Investigator for the Idaho US WEST TEAMS* (Teacher Excellence Appropriate for our Multiethnic/Multicultural Society) Initiative for State of Idaho. 

As Director, I: (A) coordinated the statewide efforts for the grant, (B) was the Regional Coordinator for the Southern and Eastern areas of Idaho, and (C) was responsible for the grant activities at Idaho State University.

Activities included:  presided over Statewide Executive TEAMS* meetings; presided over the Regional TEAMS* meetings; planned and hosted two statewide teleconferences on the topic of multicultural education (Fall, 1993; Fall, 1994); planned and hosted two Spring Multicultural Conferences for Idaho; developed the course “Diversity Issues in Education for Idaho,” broadcast on the Public Broadcasting System (Fall, 1993); worked with the representatives of the six four-year degree granting institutions, the State Department of Education Bilingual Division, the State Department of Education National Diffusion Network Division, and the State Department of Vocational Education; developed a statewide survey, the Human Diversity Needs Assessment, used with undergraduate and graduate students to determine their assessment of needs in the area of multiculturalism; worked with various projects to increase knowledge for teachers in the area of multiculturalism; planned activities for recruitment and retention of ethnic minority students into the field of teaching, such as the Idaho State University Student TEAMS*; created coursework for students attending Idaho State University in the area of multicultural education; and managed the budget for the entire project.

            1986- 2016: Visiting Author Series: 

The budget for this annual event (previously known as the “Visiting Author Conference”) began at approximately $2,000 annually and is currently between $6,000–$7,000 annually dependent upon the author’s fees. This activity was begun as a way to familiarize populations in Southeast Idaho with children’s literature by ethnically diverse authors and illustrators and others focusing on diverse populations. As founder and chair of the series, it is my responsibility to raise funds for this event from a variety of sources as well as to contact the authors and make arrangements for the actual event to take place. In November, 2002, we were notified that the Bellon Foundation has agreed to provide a donation for the event each year and in January, 2008 that they had endowed the series with a gift of $73,000.  The conference is now known as “The Bellon Visiting Author Series.”

      Other sources for funding in the past have included the US WEST Foundation and the National Education Association Student Program to the ASISU grants programs (1986 - 1997), as well as annual contributions from the College of Education, Idaho State University, of $500.00, Southeast Idaho Reading Council of $100.00, and Delta Kappa Gamma of $50.00. Bookselling and other activities are used to raise additional funds.

2018: $1700 Award from Bellon Foundation

2018: $3000 Award from Bistline Fooundation

2017: $1700 Award Bellon Foundation

2017: $2000 Award Bistline Foundation

2016: $1700 Award Bellon Foundation

2015: $3000 Award Bistline Foundation

2015: $1700 Award from Bellon Foundation

2014: $3000 Award from Bistline Foundation

2014: $1700 Award from Bellon Foundation

2013: $1700 Award from Bellon Foundation

2013: $2000 Award from Beverly Bistline Foundation

2012: $2500 Award from Bellon Endowment

2012: $1500 Award from Beverly Bistline Foundation

2011: $3500 Award from Bellon Endowment

2010: $3500 Award from Bellon Endowment

2009: $3500 Award from Bellon Endowment

2008: $3500 Award from Bellon Endowment

2008: endowment of $73,000 by Bellon Foundation    

2007: $3,000 Award, Bellon Foundation

2006: $3,000 Award, Bellon Foundation

             2005: $3,000 Award, Bellon Foundation

2004: $3,000 Award, Bellon Foundation

2003: $3,000 Award, Bellon Foundation

2002: $3,000 Award, Bellon Foundation

2001: $500.00 Award, Bellon Foundation 

2000:  $4000.00 Award, Albertson Foundation 

1997:  $1200.00 Award, US WEST

1996:  $1200.00 Award, US WEST

1995:  $1200.00 Award, US WEST

1994:  $1200.00 Award, US WEST

1993:  $1200.00 Award, US WEST

1992:  $1200.00 Award, US WEST

1991:  $  850.00 Award, US WEST

1990:  $1150.00 Award, US WEST

1989:  $ 850.00 Award, US WEST

1989:  $ 750 Grant Idaho Commission on the Humanities 

            1988:  $ 500 ISU Speakers and Artists Grant 

1987:  $ 500 ISU Speakers and Artists Grant 

Additional Grants Funded:         

2012: $3, 000 from the Idaho Humanities Council: “Symposium on Indigenous languages: Retention and Revitalization.”

2012: $3, 000 from the Idaho State University Cultural Affairs Council: “Symposium on Indigenous languages: Retention and Revitalization”.  

2004: $15,000 award from Shoshone-Bannock Tribes to reproduce The Shoshoni alphabet and number books completely in their Shoshoni language. 

2002: $3000 award from Idaho State Department of Education to produce copies of Shoshoni Language Alphabet Bookfor placement in all elementary schools in Idaho.

1999: $2000 College of Education Faculty Research Grant for 1999-2000 for research on effective practices for education of American Indian Students.

1997: $3000 Kamishibai Workshop with Cathy Spagnoli. Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnerships. 

1988: $2,000 Idaho State Department of Education Grant: PARTNER* (*Professional Action to Retain Teacher Novices in Educational Ranks) Program

1987:  $3,000 Mellon Grant Award for Study of Teacher Induction in Southeastern Idaho

1986:  $11,500 Military Order of the Purple Heart Award form the  American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education and VFW Military Order of the Purple Heart Members for "Mainstreaming in Saturday Afternoon Free." Received Jointly with Dr. Carol Stenson, Department of Special Education and Counselor Education, Idaho State University.

1985: $2,000 University Research Grant, Southwest Oklahoma State University for "Field-Based Views of the Entry-Year Process:  Consulting Teachers", Joint Principal Investigator. 

(2000: Member of grant writing team for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Native Scholar Program ($500,000 +) for American Indians who wish to become teachers (through Idaho State University College of Education).

    [2b] Not Funded:

2013: ($377,568) U.S. Office of Indian Education: Professional Development Grant: American Indian Teacher Scholars Program.

2013: ($168,193.54) National Endowment for the Humanities: 2014 Summer Institute for Teachers; “Native Americans: History, Cultures, and Modern Identity”.  July-August, 2014.

2012: ($119, 941. 01) National Endowment for the Humanities: 2013 Summer Institute for Teachers; “Native Americans: History, Cultures, and Modern Identity”.  July 29–August 9, 2013.

2011: ($131,000). Prospectus submitted to Albertson Foundation. “Three-Year Project to Promote Health Related Professions for American Indian High School Students.”

2009: $55,000 Grant Proposal for Idaho Stimulus Funds: Creating resilience among American Indian/Alaska Native youths: Identification of factors related to high school completion decisions by elders serving as models for contemporary youths.. (No grants from Idaho Institutions of Higher Education were funded)

2004: $485,000 Grant: Idaho Indian Virtual Museum. Submitted to FIPSI for. Preliminary marks exceptional; grant monies withdrawn by Congress for this year (ratings of 6, 7, & 7 received; 1-low to 7-high).

 [3] Presentations [not including archived presentations mentioned above for 

      informal publication]

    [3a] American Indian/Diversity Studies


   Conference Presentations

2005,  “Situative cognition”: Barrier to teaching across cultures. Proceedings.  International Association of Intercultural Education, Verona, Italy. Whitfield, P. T., Klug, B. J., & Whitney, P.

January, 1999: “Reaching All of Our Children: Teacher Transformation as Bicultural Beings.”  International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, San Antonio, Texas.


   National Public Radio

October 20, 2010. “Natives Graduating High School.”  Interview program with Harlan McKosato on Native America Calling, National Public Radio.

November, 2006. Interview for Elizabeth Johnson, NPR News. “American Indian English.” Aired December, 2006. Additional members on final CD of presentation: Donna McArthur & Drusilla Gould.

               Conference Presentations

October 4, 2013. “Standing Together: American Indian Education as Culturally Responsive Pedagogy.” Manuscript and chapter presentations. Symposium with Jane McCarthy and William Young. 31st Annual Conference of the Northwest Education Research Association (NRMERA). Jackson, WY.

February, 2013. Standing Together: American Indian Education as Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: manuscript and Chapter, “Falling from Grace: The Latest Government Efforts and Their Effects of American Indian Education. Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

February, 2013. “Children at the Center: A Constellation of Socioecological Factors Influencing Resiliency and High School Completion for American Indian Youth.” Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

February, 2012. “Standing Together: American Indian Education as Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: planned manuscript”. Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX.

October 29, 2011. “A Study of Factors Influencing High School Completion and Resiliency for American Indian Youth. Preliminary results as of October, 2011. National Indian Education Association Annual Convention. Albuquerque, NM.   

October 21, 2011. “My Coach Really Wanted Me: A Study of Factors Influencing High School Completion and Resiliency for American Indian Youth. Preliminary results as of October, 2011. Idaho Association for Physical Education & Sport Science. Pocatello, ID.   

February 14, 2011. “A Mind with a View: Education through the Kaleidoscopic Lenses of the Arts.” Research Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. Orlando, Fl.

February 14, 2011. “Standing Together: Indigenous Education as Culturally Responsive Pedagogy.” Update of Book Proposal.” Presentation of the Commission on the Education of the American Indian, Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. Orlando, Fl.

November 8-10, 2010. “Culturally Relevant Pedagogy” to the faculty in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction in the College of Education, Portland State University, to the faculty and staff of the American Indian Youth Academy, and to Professor Cornel Pewewardy’s classes in the Native Studies program, Portland, OR. 

August, 2009. “The Work of the Commission on the Education of the American Indian.” Association of Teacher Educators, Summer Meeting. Reno, NV.

June, 2009. “Bridging the Gap: Novices Transformed into Effective Teachers of American Indian Children.” Presentation at the American Indian Education Conference at Northern Arizona University. Flagstaff, AZ.

February 17, 2009. “High-Stakes Testing and the Impact on Education of American Indian Children.” Panel Presentation of the Commission on American Indian Education at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. Dallas, TX.

October 10, 2008.  “NCLB: Unintended (?) Consequences for American Indian Children.” Presentation at the Northern Rocky Mountain Association of Educational Research: Lake Tahoe, NV.

February 25, 2008. “Research on the effects of high-stakes testing for American Indian children.” Panel Presentation of the Commission on American Indian Education at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. New Orleans, LA.

February 24, 2008. “Final Results of a Case Study of American Indian Students and High-Stakes Testing”. Commission on High-Stakes Testing. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. New Orleans, LA.

October 12 & 13, 2007. “Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for American Indian Students”. Presentation for Utah Bilingual Association. Salt Lake City, UT.

 March 30 & 31, 2007. “Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for American Indian Children”. Presentation at Weaving the Strands of Indigenous Education.University of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah.

February 18, 2007. Panel presentation on “Broken promises, high stakes, and consequences for Native Americans,” Association of Teacher Educators’ Teacher Education Yearbook XV.  San Diego, CA.

February, 2007. “What IS getting left behind: The arts and their influences on ALL students.” With P. T. Whitfield. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. San Diego, CA.

April 27 & 28, 2006. “Interfacing Brain-based Learning and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy.” Workshop, 11th Annual Exemplary Institute. Albuquerque, NM, Catching the Dream.

April 28 & 29, 2005. “Teaching the Native Student.” Keynote Workshops, 10th Annual Exemplary Institute. Albuquerque, NM, Catching the Dream.

April 28 & 29, 2005. “Teaching the Native Student.” Keynote Workshops, 10th Annual Exemplary Institute. Albuquerque, NM, Catching the Dream.

March, 2004. “Success story: Working in Partnership with an American Indian School.” 4th Annual Conference on Educators for Diversity. Logan, UT.

February, 2004: “Stepping out of our own skins: Overcoming Resistance of Isolated Preservice Teacher populations to Embracing Diversity in Educational Settings.” Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. Dallas, TX. 

February, 2004: “I sing: Multiple Intelligences and the Language of Possibilities for American Indian Students.” Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. Dallas, TX. 

February, 2003: Panel Presentation: “Diversity in Teacher Education.” Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting. Jacksonville, FL.

February, 2003: “Developing a Professional School on an American Indian Reservation.” Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting. Jacksonville, FL.

November, 2002: “Professional Development Schools and Change: Implications for Schools with High American Indian Populations.” National Association of Multicultural Education Annual Meetin. Crystal City, VA.

FFebruary, 2002: “The New NCATE Standards for Diversity: A Step Forward or Backward?”  Panel presentation for Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA (Coordinator for session). 

October, 2001: “Bringing Those Who Know Not That They Know Not into the Light.” With P T. Whitfield. National Asso. of Multicultural Education Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. 

April, 2000. “Results of a Five Year Ethnographic Study of Native Americans Who Would be Teachers.” American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. 

February, 2000: “Teacher as Healer: 21st Century Possibility? Or Necessity?” American  Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.

February, 1998: "A Collaboration to Develop Teachers for Culturally Relevant Education." With P. Whitfield. 78th Annual Meeting for the Association of Teacher Education. Dallas, TX. 

February, 1996: Panel, "Racism from a Healing Perspective." 76th Annual Meeting of the Association for Teacher Educators. St. Louis, MO.

February, 1996: Panel, "Addressing Racism." 76th Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. St. Louis, MO.

October, 1995: "Teacher Excellence Appropriate for Our Multiethnic/Multicultural Society (TEAMS): A Business Education Partnership." American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education. Kansas City, MO.          

February, 1995: "Idaho TEAMS: Exploring New Approaches for Diversity Education." 75th Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. Detroit, MI.

June, 1994: "Idaho TEAMS: A Collaborative Model for Diversity Education." 7th Annual Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education. Atlanta, GA.

             Informal Conference Presentations

July 31, 2005. Informal “bus tour” presentations on American Indian Cultures. Summer Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. Bismarck, ND. 


               Conference Presentations

October, 2004. “Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for American Indian Students”. With Donna McArthur. Idaho Indian Education Summit. Pocatello, ID.       

October, 2001: “Understanding the Pragmatics Influence of Diverse Languages when working with American Indian Students in the Teaching of Writing,” presentation at the Idaho Council Teachers of English Annual Meeting. Pocatello, ID.

October, 2001: “Cultural Diversity and the Effects of Stereotyping in Literature.” Presentation at the Idaho Bilingual Association Conference. Pocatello, ID.

October, 2001: “Giving the Gift of Literacy through Multicultural Literature for American Indians and Hispanic Students.” Presentation at the Idaho Bilingual Association Conference. Pocatello, ID. 

April, 1995: "Diversity Education for Teachers: Idaho US WEST TEAMS." Northwest Association of Teacher Educators. Coeur d'Alene, ID.

September, 1994: Planned and Hosted Statewide Teleconference: "Across the Curriculum: Multicultural Education in Action," broadcast over Idaho Public Television throughout Idaho.

September, 1993: Planned and Hosted Statewide Teleconference: "Multicultural Education for Idaho."

February, 1993: “Effective Collaborations and Partnerships Between Higher Education and K-12”. Idaho Institute on Ethnic Diversity Seminar, Boise, ID.

               Classes and Informal Conference Presentations

June 1993-1995: Numerous speaking engagements to present the "Idaho US WEST TEAMS* Initiative" across Idaho. 


               Conference Presentations

October 21, 2011. “My coach really wanted me.” A Study of Factors Influencing High School completion and Resiliency for American Indian Youth. Preliminary results as of October, 2011. Idaho Association of Physical Education, Health education, and Dance Conference, Idaho State University. Pocatello, ID. 

November, 2003: Multicultural Populations in Schools. Delta Kappa Gamma, Beta Chapter. Pocatello, ID.

August, 2001: “Symbolic Integration.” Native Scholars Cultural Summit. Idaho State University. Pocatello, ID.    

May, 1996: "Diversity: Problem or Promise?" IAPAS Conference. Pocatello, ID.

January, 1994: Diversity and Literacy: Idaho US WEST TEAMS*. Upper Snake River Valley Educators Conference. 

   Classes and Informal Conference Presentations:

December 2, 2008.  “Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for American Indian Students” with emphasis on writing for Dr. Sonya Launspach’s Linguistics Seminar 685.

November 17, 2006. “Working with Multicultural Populations”. Presentation given to the faculty and graduate students of the Communication Sciences & Disorders/Education of Deaf.

August 17, 2006. Presentation to College of Technology faculty and staff on “Diverse Student Populations, Admission, Recruitment, and Retention.”

September 10, 2004: “Teaching American Indian students”. Workshop for Trio Services. Idaho State University.              

August 2001. Co-Chair, “Native Scholars’ Cultural Summit”. Idaho State University College of Education

[3b] Literacy


   Conference Presentations    

February, 1993: "Weaving Tapestries: Creating Multicultural Understandings through Field Experiences in Children's Literature." 73rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. Los Angeles, CA.

October, 1992: "Creating a Friendship Quilt: Developing Literacy through Multicultural Literature in the Classroom." 9th Rocky Mountain Regional Reading Conference.

October, 1990: "Discovering the Motherlode: The Wealth of Multicultural Literature." Paper presented at the Southwest Regional Conference for Teachers of English/Language Arts. Park City, UT.

October, 1988: "Storytelling for Special Education Populations." Paper presented at the Casper. WY. 8th Rocky Mountain Regional Reading Conference, Casper, WY.

June, 1980: International Reading Association 5th Regional Convention. Topic: How to Motivate Reluctant Readers. Nashville, TN.


               Conference Presentations

October, 1989: "Charlotte's Web and the Role of Literature in Whole Language." Paper presented at the Idaho Council of the International Reading Association Conference. Twin Falls, ID.

October, 1987: "Using the EXCEL Approach to Involve Students in Literature." Paper presented at the Idaho Annual Reading Conference.


               Conference Presentations

May, 1988: "Storytelling and the Preschool Population: What Works." Paper presented at the Early Childhood Conference. Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID.

[3c] Presentations on Teaching and Teacher Education  


   Conference Presentations    

February, 1994: “Induction: Before and After”. Annual Meeting of the Association of American College of Teacher Education. Chicago, IL. 

February, 1988: "Teacher Preparation:  Aspirant through Induction." Paper presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Association for Teacher Educators. San Diego, CA.

October, 1987: "Mentoring Beginning Teachers:  What Works." Panel Presentation for the Northwest Regional Lab Regional Conference on Professional Growth through Peer Support. Portland, OR.

February, 1987: "The Teacher Consultant Role: Impact on the Profession." Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators.

1983 - 1985: Presentations on the topics of "Motivation" and "Improving Self-Image," Professional Development Center Network. Weatherford, OK.


              Conference Presentations

August, 1989: "Problems of Beginning Teachers." Paper presented at the Idaho Mentor Program Regional Workshop sponsored by Idaho State Department of Education. Pocatello, ID.

May, 1989: "Problems of Beginning Teachers" and "Real World Implementation of Teacher Induction Programs." Presentations for the Idaho State Department of Education Planning Workshop for Idaho Mentor Program. Boise, ID.

March, 1988: "Teacher Induction in Southeastern Idaho." Paper presented at the State of Idaho Association for Colleges of Teacher Education.


               Conference Presentations

June, 2022: “Shoshone-Bannock students and Cultural and Language Influences: Pocatello Chubbuck School District History and Social Science Teachers Educational Planning.

August, 1985 through June, 2016: Working with students at Fort Hall elementary School, Blackfoot School District #55, Black foot, Idaho. Taught K-5 students irectly and with my own students working in the classrooms. Gave workshops and Idaho State University credit classes on Native American Cultures and Cross-Cultural Communication Styles. Was available to administrators, teachers and staff to provide answers to their questions concerning the best practices for teaching their students an working with American Indian Students and Communities to build Cross-Cultrual Connections and Communities.

October, 1992: "Mentoring for Administrators." Presentation for the Idaho School Administrators Assistance Center. Pocatello, ID.

March, 1992: "Mentoring for Administrators." Presentation for the Idaho School Administrators Assistance Center. Pocatello, ID.

Grants & Service Activities: Welcome

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