"Let us put our minds together and see what we can make for our children." ~ Sitting Bull
2010: Sabbatical Leave: “A Study of Factors Influencing High School Completion and Resiliency for American Indian Youth”, Fall, 2010.
2008: Selected as Outstanding Public Service Award Recipient from Idaho State University.
2004: Selected to be the Idaho Chancellor for the International Association of Educators for World Peace (an NGO associated with the United Nations).
2003: Nomination of Widening the Circle: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for American Indian Children for Multicultural Book of the Year Award at the National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference, November. Seattle, WA.
2003: Recipient of Woman of Achievement award from Zonta Club of Pocatello, Idaho.
2001: Recipient of the Celebrate Literacy Award from the Southeast Idaho Reading Association and the International Reading Association.
1999: Sabbatical leave granted for Fall, 2000 for work on manuscript for education of American Indian Students
1996: Invited to reception honoring The ACE Commission on Minorities in Higher Education. The Office of Minorities in Higher Education of the American Council Education
1994: Accepted for Language Minority Institute, Association of Teacher Educators in 1995
1993: Idaho Pluralism Council Recognition for US WEST TEAMS*
1989: Recipient of the "Celebrate Literacy Award" from the Southeast Idaho Reading Council